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Water treatment requires a great effort in engineering, specifically process engineering, which requires a multidisciplinary work team capable of designing, planning, and making decisions in all fields of application of water treatment in order to obtain the expected results. J. Huesa offers its clients a team of highly qualified professionals with extensive experience in the sector, along with the Know-How provided by the broad portfolio of technologies available.

The activities performed by this department throughout the process engineering phase are as follows:

  • Data collection, characterization studies and treatability tests: we perform an analysis of the local factors affecting the project (working and discharge flows, water quality at the inlet and outlet, and applicable regulations, among other activities). This characterization is carried out through laboratory or semi-industrial scale tests and analyses at different points of the process.
  • Design of the conceptual process: for this, the engineering department relies on the broad portfolio of technologies that J. Huesa has access to, and that, when added to the analysis of local factors, will allow it to establish the optimal solution from a technical, economic, and environmental standpoint. One of the premises of the engineering department is to achieve optimum investment and operation economics that adapt to the needs of our clients. This is possible through the joint work of the following teams:
    • Basic engineering for selection of the most suitable process and technologies.
    • Detailed engineering which is carried out through the work of a team of professionals who draft and implement the development of the project in the following areas:
      • Selection of equipment and components that the facility will consist of.
      • Delineation: implementation blueprint design, P&ID, and equipment blueprints.
      • BIM methodology.
      • Automation and Monitoring: J. Huesa has personnel specialized in the automation of water treatment facilities, through the design and implementation of all the instrumentation and control elements that are centralized in a control panel (manufactured in-house), which has a coherent and programmable controller. Automation makes it possible for us to integrate with the customer’s SCADA for remote management of water treatment plants, using communication systems based on 4.0 Industry.
  • Planning, follow-up, and monitoring: both in the engineering phase, as well as the subsequent work in our production center and at the customer’s facilities. This entire process is included in the quality assurance procedures, and is part of the company’s commitment to meeting deadlines and quality standards in all phases of project design and execution.

"We provide the right technological solution for each individual need"